
The Preschool Program serves students ages three and four. This learning program is designed to provide a holistic educational experience through experiential and play-based activities that are age-appropriate and meaningful. Within the context of a nurturing and safe environment, preschool students will explore their interests and develop age-appropriate social skills as they receive instruction in various academic areas.
Moreover, throughout all aspects of the program, it is a top priority to lead students to an understanding of core truths of the Gospel by making meaningful connections and fostering critical thinking between subject content and biblical principles.
In order to provide students with the best conditions for learning, class sizes are limited to reflect an ideal teacher-student ratio considering the developmental age of preschool students. All classes are supported by a qualified educator and a skilled classroom aide to ensure a positive and fruitful experience. Additionally, students and families receive support from the full-time Social-Emotional Learning Support Specialist to address development needs unique to this age group.

The Kindergarten Program serves students ages five and six years old. This academically-rich program supports continued learning in a nurturing environment. Our unique curriculum guides student learning in reading, language arts and vocabulary development, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies.
In order to ensure that students have the best conditions for learning, class sizes are limited to reflect an ideal teacher-student ratio considering the developmental age of Kindergarten students. Classes are further supported by the Kindergarten Aide, in addition to the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher and the Learning Support Teacher during essential academic times.
Students also receive daily Bible instruction through the classroom and chapel ministry. Additionally, students are engaged in fine arts, music, physical education, and keyboarding classes. With the support of the Counseling department, students also receive weekly Life Skills classes focused on personal safety and health. Throughout all aspects of the program, it is a top priority to lead students to an understanding of core truths of the Gospel by making meaningful connections and fostering critical thinking between subject content and biblical principles.

The Alliance Academy International Secondary program combines a vigorous education with college advising and a great selection of extracurricular activities. Students become critical thinkers, well-informed young people, and wise decision makers. We are proud and honored to offer Bible classes to all students. Individualized course schedules, a top-quality manual arts program, a competitive sports program, and extra-curricular activities enable each student the chance to develop a range of life skills and deepen their passions. Our prayer is that this passion would not only lead to learning about the Bible, but that they would graduate from AAI with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. One of the amazing additions to our Secondary Faculty is our chaplaincy program, which carries out duties of love, discipleship, and counseling.